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Workshop: Opportunity Mining for SMEs

Analyze business processes, identify deployment opportunities, and receive specific action directives to increase efficiency and quality within the company.


In the "Opportunity Mining" workshop, we collaborate to explore how advanced AI solutions can enhance your business operations. This hands-on workshop builds upon the foundations of our popular "AI in Practice" workshop but can also be booked independently.

This workshop is designed for executives and process managers who are actively seeking ways to make their business processes more cost-effective and of higher quality.

Through real case studies and interactive discussions, you will discover which of your processes can derive the greatest value from AI integration. Our focus extends beyond theoretical knowledge to actionable quick wins and long-term strategies that surpass standardized Chat-GPT solutions.


Our workshop is designed to optimally prepare your company for the next digital revolution driven by AI. We place particular importance on precisely tailoring the content to your specific needs and the unique aspects of your industry.

Here is an overview of the planned content, which can be flexibly adapted to your company's environment:

  1. Introduction and Inspiration: We start with an inspiring insight into AI's transformative power. We then present AI use cases in various business processes and discuss how these innovations improve performance and efficiency.

  2. Potential Analysis: In this interactive session, we work together to identify the processes in your company that could benefit most from AI integration. You'll discover how AI can optimize your operations through group discussions and practical exercises.

  3. Prioritization: After identifying the key areas, we move on to prioritization. Which processes should be addressed first? Here, we use a methodical approach to rank the processes according to their potential for quality improvements and efficiency gains through AI.

  4. Strategy and Recommendations: Based on prioritization, we develop concrete strategies and recommendations for implementing AI solutions in your key processes. These tailored suggestions aim to identify achievable quick wins as well as long-term strategic goals.

  5. Technology Demonstration (optional): Experience AI in action through the presentation and demonstration of current AI models. This session not only provides insight into the latest technologies but also offers the opportunity to receive direct feedback on the applicability in your company context.

Result: What you can expect

Participants develop a solid understanding of the transformative power of AI in their specific business processes.

They effectively identify and prioritize the processes within your company that can benefit the most from AI.

Participants receive tailor-made strategies and recommendations for action to successfully implement AI solutions.

Optional part: You will experience the latest AI models in action and learn to evaluate their application potential for your company.

Martin Bachmann (CTO)

Get to know the workshop leader

Software engineer with over 25 years of experience specializing in software development and AI innovations.

Phone: +41 44 520 16 48

  • CHF 2,500.- including pre- and post-processing & Report for potential analysis.

  • 2-3 hours

  • On site in your company.

  • We guarantee an exciting event and practical, sustainable knowledge transfer.

Register for the workshop now

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and tailor the workshop to the needs of your company.

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